Sunday, June 26, 2011

Who, What, Why...

I'm another faceless businessman in bowler hat-corporate finance at that.  I decided to make an impromptu trip to LA this weekend (I live in Atlanta).  I was a meeting a friend from my MBA program and her sister.  I was chatting with Hilary (aforementioned sister who just completed undergrad) about what she wanted to do with her life if she could do anything.  Hilary said country rock star.I mentioned that my own choice would be working as the person who determines whether the best hotels in the world deserved a five-star designation. 

I have no idea how ones goes about getting that job, but other than have a really fine appreciation of travel at large and great hotels especially...I doubt I'm very qualified.  In today's world though, I can just do it myself.  Who knows whether anyone will read or care, but it might be therapeutic for me. 

Hope you find the information helpful and enjoy the journeys as much as I do...